Wednesday 4 January 2017

Weekly news 13


Young mum who left her ex-boyfriend brain damaged after drunkenly mowing him down in the street walks free because of her young son

This article is from The Sun and is about a young mum of 20, Katie Lomas who accidently ran over her ex who is the father of her child. Heaney, the father was left in hospital with punctured lungs, fractured ribs and brain damage. Katie, who was drunk at the time of the incident was spared jail time as the judge was sympathetic of her situation. She said "three lives should not ruined". Katie was ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and is not allowed to apply for a driving licence for another 2 years. As nice as this would have been if you had been in the position or if it was someone you knew, this is inequality, had it been the other way round and Katie was run over, the ex would most likely be jail.  The judge also said  “It happened in a moment of madness and temper however there is no evidence in your past that this is a pattern of behaviour – so I say this is reckless stupidity... I take note of the fact that you have been suffering for the past months waiting for this to happen...". The judge is sympathising with her "suffering" when the victim was in hospital fighting for his life. I belive she should have been given a more serious punihsment as she almost risked lives and there should be no exceptions no matter who the person is, the judge said Katie doesnt seem like a person that would be this reckless usually, but she is just assuming things because of her behaviour in court. They can never sure.
This is a representation of issues as the law system is unfair. If the person had been a teen, person of colour, a male etc the story may have been different.

1 comment:

  1. Use paragraphs to split each section of your news up just to make it clearer. However, you included a lot of detail and your own opinion which is good.
