Sunday 11 December 2016

weekly news

JLS singer Oritse Williams is arrested after woman accused him of RAPING her in his hotel room after a gig

Source: Daily Mail
 This article is about how a singer has been accussed of rape after one of his gigs in Wolverhampton. I chose this story because of the way it was written and how the writer makes it seem like kind of not a big deal. Instead of talking mainly about the rape, it then goes onto talking about his ex bands success which obviously has nothing to do with anything. This is a representation of issues as I've noticed whenever there are rape stories, the rapist is always tried to be represented as someone good, one example being Brock Turner. The article repeats the word "alleged" as if to say the girl is lying. This is also a represention of gender.
(wont let me post on the blog with pictures) 


  1. You have used relevant references to representation however, to improve this you could add more information regarding the situation and also you could perhaps include something about how the source of the article has an influence on the representation within the article.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. i dont really get this wendy please give me verbal feedback
