Monday 5 December 2016

Weekly News 11

Police launch huge manhunt for a missing boy, two, only for the toddler to be found asleep at home in his brother's bunk bed. 

This article is from the Daily Mail.
It talks about how a family had discovered their child was missing and Greater Manchester police had got every available police looking for him. He was then found in his room asleep. The article doesnt mention anything about how this was a complete waste of police time but simply quotes the mum who apologised for the 'mayhem'. It's quite odd how nothing happened for wasting valuable time when real emergencies could have been solved during the time. Had the childs mum been more aware of her own children, this wouldnt have happened. The police are

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary of the story and inclusion of your own opinion. I think you're missing a bit though - it stops really suddenly :)
