Sunday 22 January 2017

weekly news

I found this story on twitter about a women named Angela who was forced into sex-trafficking by her ex-boyfriend. She eventually was able to leave the relationship however he found out her details and showed up at her door one day. He then beat her with a metal bar and left her for dead.
This is a representation of issues of abuse and also gender. Unfortunatley are many examples of one person in the relationship feeling as if they should have the upper hand and getting violent when things don't go their way. Angela was compelelty defenceless and had to suffer just for wanting to end a toxic relationship. When i searched for the story online I could only find one article about the event. I think if it had been the man getting beaten up more people would spoken about it just because its more "uncommon" whereas sadly, there are a lot of stories of women that have suffered from domestic violence and a lot of newspapers are mainly about putting out the stories they think will get the most attention.


  1. Great use of CCCEO - you could expand on how the two people involved are represented as you only talk about the woman in your analysis

  2. You could expand on your opinion a bit more by maybe saying how this makes you feel.
