'The worst conditions in memory': NHS doctors describe their week in A&E

This article is from the guardian and contains a number of responses from doctors working in A&e departments across the UK. Some cases included patients having to be treated while waiting in the que, for example one miscarrying women had to be questioned about her bloodloss in front of many other patients. This is just humiliating, stuff like this should be kept private and between the four walls of a doctors office. Many doctors are complaing about the overcrowdedness of the hospitals due to underemployment, patients who are in critcal conditions are unable to be comfortable and be treated in time. This is a representation of issues as the nhs is not doing a good job in protecting people. Doctors and nurses have no control over these issues yet also suffer due to them feeling as if they are unable to properly do their job. Patients should not have to be kept in the corridors or laundry rooms overnight due to lack of space. We go to the hospital accepting to be seen professionally in hopes to be treated without having to wait 4 and half hours.
I think you could go more into depth by referring to CCCEO.
ReplyDeleteGood use of your own opinion on the story, and a concise summary. Perhaps next time include a link to the article and discuss how the wording creates any bias or sways the audience in any way
ReplyDeleteAs nephtalie said you can definitely go into more depth with this kind of article and make it longer, talking about issues with the problem with underemployment why this may be happening. Answering questions like why the nhs have these problems if there supposing isn't enough jobs in the uk even able to relate it back to the EU referendum or even why people aren't getting jobs with the nhs which could link to the deflation of pay. Also maybe people in the uk aren't reaching that level of education getting the correct qualifications to get said jobs.
ReplyDeleteTo improve try to meet the full CCCEO criteria.