Sunday 15 January 2017

Weekly News 16

 Mexico protests: how gas prices lit the flame under a quietly smoldering rage

 This article is from The Guardian and talks about how the people of Mexico are rioting due to the fact gas prices have been raised. I think people are brushing this aside and thinking its not that big of deal. However what people dont think about is the fact that the minium wage in mexico is 80 pesos which is just £3 and the cheapest gas currently is 15.20 pesos per litre. This is asking for too much for someone who is working at minimum wage and is having to also pay bills and buy their daily essentials.
In the article, it states how the main reason for students abandoning school is due to the fact their wages are low, and gas and public transport prices are too high. This is completly unfair, people are unable to get the eduaction they want in order to succeed because of the 20% increase in gas.
The president said "what would you have done?" as if people are not already suffering.
Due to these prices people have begun rioting, stealing from shops, threatening to burn down gas stations and public transport workers are going on a strike in some areas.
Compared to the UK the minimum wage prices are higher at £7.50 for over 25's which isnt amazing but much better than Mexico.
In my opinion I think it's very unfair for the president to be asking for more money, he should be protecting his people but instead he's turning everyone against him.

This is a representation of issues and events.


  1. Good detailed article and use of comparisons perhaps you could go into more detail of the representation categories.

  2. This is so much better than your previous weekly news Thannzila , But to make it even better you could referring back to CCCEO and you could add a more detailed opinion which could include how you feel about it an maybe what can be done to resolve the issue.

  3. This is good writing Thannzila, would just say you could add more definition to your paragraphs make them more separate so it is clearer to read.
