The forgotten famine: 6.2m in desperate need of aid in Somalia where graves stand ready for next starved child
Source: The Sun

This article is about the hardships people in Somalia are currently facing due to famine. There is no livestock and no vegetation. 363,000 children are currently suffering from malnutrition including 71,000 severe cases. There is even an area where graves have been dug and set aside for the children.
One mother said
“She fell unconscious so I managed to get to the road and we came here in the back of a truck. I carried her here in my arms.
“Imagine what that was like for me, her mother, to see her suffering like that.”
A doctor gave this report:

Tubes come out of her nose and mouth to help her breathe and top up her critically low glucose levels. Mum Ayan tells me: “We did not bring her to the clinic because we could not afford the transport. The cost of food has gone up by 50% so we have no money left."
The UN has described this as the worst humanitarian crisis since 1945 yet there is not a lot of coverage on this in this in the media so a couple of days ago some online influencers has started the hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia as they was the only airline that flew into somalia. After it had spread turkish airlines had seen all the tweets and decided to accept. Now they have sent up a go fund me page to fill up the plane with food and water.
In my opinion i think its very sad that these issues have been kind of brushed aside, its also sad how many people of this generation would rather become so invloved in celeberities lives rather than spresd the word for real issues in todays society.
This is a representation of issues; famine.
This is very well research good use of statistics and facts however maybe you can talk about which audience this article was made to apply to.