Sunday 5 March 2017

Demographic profiling is where consumers are divided into different catergories based on sex, age, income, occupation, education etc. This makes it easier for advertisers to target a specific group.
Catergories go from A to E. A to B are the most wealthiest and influencial members of society.
A: Higher managerial
B: Professionl
C1: Office Workers
C2: Skilled workers
D: Semi skilled, unskilled
E: Pensioners, unemployees

Psychometric audience defines an audience based on values, attitudes and lifestyles.
  • Mainstreamers: like to go for the trusted brands, dont like to take risks and try something new.
  • Aspirers: Buys designer labels to show status and place in society.
  • Explorers: likes to go for brands that offer new differnec things.
  • Succeeders: don't feel they need to show of status and control, go for reliable and serious brands. 
  • Reformers: not materilaistic, buys brands that are environmentally friendly.

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