Sunday 26 March 2017

weekly news

 weekly news.

Following on from my last weekly news about the famine in Somalia and the hashtag that was spread to raise money to fill the plane that would be sent to somalia, the people who created it have reported that 60 tones of food was able to be brought with the money that was raised. After 50,000 people particpated and over £1,500000 was raised, over ten planes were able to be filled and instead of just food, a long term solution for sustaining water supplies is being organsied. There will also be a documentary created where we will see the whole journey and see the good that the money raised is doing. I think its really amazing what good social media can actually do sometimes, without it I don't believe that they could have raised as much money at all. Its also good that we will be able to see what the money is actually going towards and if its making a difference. Its nice to see that people on social media with a large following are using it for good. Compared to some charities, i feel as if its much easier for people to trust these online influencers as if they've been following them for a long time they may feel as if they've grown to know them. Also when they keep everyone updated its easier to see whats actually happening whereas i don't think some charities show people the end result of the chairities work.

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