Saturday 28 January 2017

Stacey on the Frontline; Girls, Guns and Isis

This documentary follows Stacey Dooley on her journey with the Yazidi women who wanted to get revenge on Isis after they had been held captive by them. The documentary showed representations of gender and age as there were stories told where young girls had been raped and totured when help captive. There was one story where a womens child had been cooked and she was forced to eat it. It is also a representaion of gender as the women are strong and confident in fighting which is breaking out of the stereotypes. The women had become stronger after being tortured as they felt they needed to avenge the other womens deaths. the documentary also shows representations of religion as the reason isis where killing the yazidi women is because they believed they were devil worshipors.
One of the women told a story about how a girl killed herself and they left the body out for the dogs to eat. The rest of the women wanted to kill eachother but they couldnt as their hands were tied to the beds. There was another time where two sisters were tortured because they jumped in front of their dad who was just about to be beheaded. These are all representations of issues.

Weekly News

British schoolboy rejects £5MILLION offer for money-saving website after starting first business in bedroom aged 12

This is article is from the The Mirror and is about a 16 year old boy, Mohammed that created a site designed to alert both buyers and sellers of available products, everything from properties to electronic items, with constantly updated prices. He and his business partner met with investors who offered him £5 million but he rejected the offer as he believes he could make even more once the site actually launches. At 12 years old, he created a video game which earned him £30,000. He also created a financial app. Mohammed taught himself everything he needed in order to create these things just from watching videos online and reading books. Altogether mohammed estimates he's made £41,000 from his businesses.
This is a representation of age as he's only in college and doing so good for himself. I think its really amazing how at only 16 years old he's already achieved so much while juggling a-levels. There are so many people our age including myslef that get lazy with work and he's doing extra work in his spare time. I can barely keep up with weekly news so i think this is a very inspiring story for people our age.

Sunday 22 January 2017

Stacey Dooley and Reggie Yates Documentary.

Reggie Yates: Life and Death in Chicago.
In this documentary Reggie Yates went to Chicago, an area with the largest number of gun crime in America. Every week there is a large number of injured or dead involved in gun crime. There were a couple of innocent people shown in the episode who had not done anything bad but were in the crossfires. The documentary also highlighted the number of police brutalies that occured in Chicago. There was one case where a women was in the car with her 2 young children and was pulling up into her driveway where the police were, they then approached the car and started shouting telling her to get out. The women backed out of thr driveway quickly but she was unable to escape. The policeofficer crashed into her car, dragged her out and pepper sprayed her. The footage showed the other policeman laughing while this was happening, which goes to show how unsympathetic they are.
Many young people lose their lives due to gun crime. One innocent young man lost his life and his girlfriend then too lost her life a couple weeks later by gun shots. People are unable to live their life simply because of the city they grow up in.

Stacey Dooley in Greece: Migrant Kids in Crisis.
This documentary follows Stacey on her journey through Greece to explore the suffering of the people who are having to flee war and find a better lifestyle. Some of thr people she talked to gave a small insight into how brutal it is to try and get to the border. Many travelled alone which is quite difficult as there is no one to rely on while on the probaly terrifying journey. Some people had been split up from family members while getting onto other vehicles but the people are not sympathetic of thay, they are just left by themselves.

weekly news

I found this story on twitter about a women named Angela who was forced into sex-trafficking by her ex-boyfriend. She eventually was able to leave the relationship however he found out her details and showed up at her door one day. He then beat her with a metal bar and left her for dead.
This is a representation of issues of abuse and also gender. Unfortunatley are many examples of one person in the relationship feeling as if they should have the upper hand and getting violent when things don't go their way. Angela was compelelty defenceless and had to suffer just for wanting to end a toxic relationship. When i searched for the story online I could only find one article about the event. I think if it had been the man getting beaten up more people would spoken about it just because its more "uncommon" whereas sadly, there are a lot of stories of women that have suffered from domestic violence and a lot of newspapers are mainly about putting out the stories they think will get the most attention.

Sunday 15 January 2017

Weekly News 16

 Mexico protests: how gas prices lit the flame under a quietly smoldering rage

 This article is from The Guardian and talks about how the people of Mexico are rioting due to the fact gas prices have been raised. I think people are brushing this aside and thinking its not that big of deal. However what people dont think about is the fact that the minium wage in mexico is 80 pesos which is just £3 and the cheapest gas currently is 15.20 pesos per litre. This is asking for too much for someone who is working at minimum wage and is having to also pay bills and buy their daily essentials.
In the article, it states how the main reason for students abandoning school is due to the fact their wages are low, and gas and public transport prices are too high. This is completly unfair, people are unable to get the eduaction they want in order to succeed because of the 20% increase in gas.
The president said "what would you have done?" as if people are not already suffering.
Due to these prices people have begun rioting, stealing from shops, threatening to burn down gas stations and public transport workers are going on a strike in some areas.
Compared to the UK the minimum wage prices are higher at £7.50 for over 25's which isnt amazing but much better than Mexico.
In my opinion I think it's very unfair for the president to be asking for more money, he should be protecting his people but instead he's turning everyone against him.

This is a representation of issues and events.

Sunday 8 January 2017

weekly news 15

'The worst conditions in memory': NHS doctors describe their week in A&E

This article is from the guardian and contains a number of responses from doctors working in A&e departments across the UK. Some cases included patients having to be treated while waiting in the que, for example one miscarrying women had to be questioned about her bloodloss in front of many other patients. This is just humiliating, stuff like this should be kept private and between the four walls of a doctors office. Many doctors are complaing about the overcrowdedness of the hospitals due to underemployment, patients who are in critcal conditions are unable to be comfortable and be treated in time. This is a representation of issues as the nhs is not doing a good job in protecting people. Doctors and nurses have no control over these issues yet also suffer due to them feeling as if they are unable to properly do their job. Patients should not have to be kept in the corridors or laundry rooms overnight due to lack of space. We go to the hospital accepting to be seen professionally in hopes to be treated without having to wait 4 and half hours.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Weekly news 13


Young mum who left her ex-boyfriend brain damaged after drunkenly mowing him down in the street walks free because of her young son

This article is from The Sun and is about a young mum of 20, Katie Lomas who accidently ran over her ex who is the father of her child. Heaney, the father was left in hospital with punctured lungs, fractured ribs and brain damage. Katie, who was drunk at the time of the incident was spared jail time as the judge was sympathetic of her situation. She said "three lives should not ruined". Katie was ordered to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and is not allowed to apply for a driving licence for another 2 years. As nice as this would have been if you had been in the position or if it was someone you knew, this is inequality, had it been the other way round and Katie was run over, the ex would most likely be jail.  The judge also said  “It happened in a moment of madness and temper however there is no evidence in your past that this is a pattern of behaviour – so I say this is reckless stupidity... I take note of the fact that you have been suffering for the past months waiting for this to happen...". The judge is sympathising with her "suffering" when the victim was in hospital fighting for his life. I belive she should have been given a more serious punihsment as she almost risked lives and there should be no exceptions no matter who the person is, the judge said Katie doesnt seem like a person that would be this reckless usually, but she is just assuming things because of her behaviour in court. They can never sure.
This is a representation of issues as the law system is unfair. If the person had been a teen, person of colour, a male etc the story may have been different.