Sunday 2 October 2016

Weekly News 3

How social media is turning peoples private breakups into 'celebrity spats' 

This article talks about how divorcing couples take to social media to attack each other in order to gain sympathy from family and friends. They do this in order to get with celebrity culture as when celebs get divorced it is no secret.

"They suggest that if it’s good enough for this actress or that pop star, then it’s good enough for them."

"estimated that at least one in 10 cases now involve a spouse attacking the other on social media"

There was also a case where one couples children only found out about their parents divorce from pupils talking about social media.
This story stuck out to me because it goes to show how some people like to hide behind computers/phones rather than express feelings face to face. Many people don't think about the repercussions before tweeting/commenting etc.
 It also shows just how much celebrities lives influence others.


  1. I think this is a really good, detailed explanation of the news article however, to improve you could include why this story is relevant to the media course.

  2. Although it is quite short i think it is very good, as you covered most of the points in detail and concluded it well.
