Saturday 8 October 2016

Todorovs theory:

Todorovs theory suggests that all narratives have 5 parts. They start off with equilibrium where everything is balanced and then destruction occurs where the calm is ruined. The next part is 'recognition' where everyone begins to become aware of the destruction and panics. Then comes 'attempt of repair' where the destruction is tried to be fixed. And lastly is 'new equilibrium' where everything restores back to being balanced like the beginning.


  1. Equilibrium: Kim goes to Paris with her friend
  2. Destruction: Kims friend agrees to going to a party with the stranger
  3. Recognition: Kims dad is on the phone to her while her and her friend get taken
  4. Attempt of repair: The dad goes to Paris to search for clues
  5. Kim is found and reunited with her mum and step dad back home  
Propps Theory 

Propps theory suggests that in every narrative there are seven main character types:

                        In Taken:
  1. Hero: Kims Dad
  2. Helper: The dads friend
  3. Villain: Kidnappers
  4. Prize/Princess: Kim
  5. Mentor: Kidnappers friends
  6. Donor:??
  7. Blocker: ??

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