Monday 17 October 2016


  •  mouth covered by hands (may or may not be her own), relates to title "lights out" 
  • Black background so main focus is on the women.
  • We are told at the top that the movie is from the creators of Evil Dead so that same audience will be intrigued. 
  • The women is looking up in shock suggesting shes seen something terrifying. This makes us as the audience want to know what she sees.

  • Black background so main focus is her face
  • Train tracks are in red maybe to signify blood or danger.
  • Title is a bit distorted, maybe to resemble her personality or mindset
  • "what you see can hurt you" - women is looking directly at the camera, maybe telling us this phrase to scare us.

  • Broken light switch as the main image to represent the title of the movie "lights out"
  • Tape has been put over it maybe to show that someone has tried to repair the destruction.
  • white but dirty background

All these DVD covers are very similar. They all have a still from the movie as the main background for the back and them multiple smaller stills as a taster. They all have a summary of the movie to entice the audience.

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