Wednesday 19 October 2016


For my coursework I will be creating a DVD cover and poster marketing a thriller aimed at a teen audience. I did research to find out about more about thriller movies so I could complete my production while meeting my targets.
I looked at trailers, posters, and DVD covers to help me get a general idea of thrillers. I also looked at the difference between Horrors and Thrillers as they are quite similar and I feel as if its easy to turn the genre into a horror. Looking at the differences and similarities between the two genres helped me to think of ideas for what my poster and DVD cover could be based around.
From my research I was able to notice the main features of a thriller. For example most thrillers contain violence, are fast paced and contain a lot of suspense. However, there are not many thriller movies which are only thrillers, they are most often combined with another genres, e.g drama or sci-fi. There are many types of thrillers; Conspiracy thrillers, Crime thrillers, Legal thrillers, Political thrillers, Psychological thrillers, and Supernatural thrillers.
By looking at basic things that make a good thriller it helped me to gain a basic understanding of what should be a in a thriller.

From looking at posters I noticed that a lot of posters for thrillers usually have the main characters face with the setting of the movie in the background, for example like on the Shutter Island and House At The End Of The Street poster.

I also noticed that if there wasn't a setting as a background then it would be dark to resemble the mood and atmosphere of the movie. In action, thrillers, the posters main image would be an action shot from the movie. One example of this would be the Taken poster.

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