Sunday 11 December 2016

weekly news

JLS singer Oritse Williams is arrested after woman accused him of RAPING her in his hotel room after a gig

Source: Daily Mail
 This article is about how a singer has been accussed of rape after one of his gigs in Wolverhampton. I chose this story because of the way it was written and how the writer makes it seem like kind of not a big deal. Instead of talking mainly about the rape, it then goes onto talking about his ex bands success which obviously has nothing to do with anything. This is a representation of issues as I've noticed whenever there are rape stories, the rapist is always tried to be represented as someone good, one example being Brock Turner. The article repeats the word "alleged" as if to say the girl is lying. This is also a represention of gender.
(wont let me post on the blog with pictures) 

Monday 5 December 2016

Weekly News 11

Police launch huge manhunt for a missing boy, two, only for the toddler to be found asleep at home in his brother's bunk bed. 

This article is from the Daily Mail.
It talks about how a family had discovered their child was missing and Greater Manchester police had got every available police looking for him. He was then found in his room asleep. The article doesnt mention anything about how this was a complete waste of police time but simply quotes the mum who apologised for the 'mayhem'. It's quite odd how nothing happened for wasting valuable time when real emergencies could have been solved during the time. Had the childs mum been more aware of her own children, this wouldnt have happened. The police are

Sunday 4 December 2016


Crash is a thriller movie in which a group of completly different people are faced with issues of hardship. Race, stereotypes, gender, and love are some of the main themes. The movie follows people of all kind, black, white, latino, rich, poor and shows how they are all guilty of racism or pure hatred.

One example of sterotypes is at the beginning when the rich couple are walking through the street and the women grabs hold on the amns arm when she sees two black boys ahead of her. As viewers we sided with the boys as they were complaining about how wrong this is and how society shouldnt be this way however the boys then proceeded to act in a way in which stereotypes show them as and stole the couples car. This was a plot twist as they seemed quite innocent.

An example of racism would be right at the end where the poeple crash their cars and the lady gets out and says something along the lines of how he should "talk english".
Another example is when the young white policeman shoots the black guy because he assumes he's going to pull a gun out. This shows how is character ended up just like the rest. At the start of the movie he was probably the least racist as we could clearly see he cared for the well being of the public as he was seen to be truly angry at how his partner treated the black couple when he pulled them over. Even though him refusing to carry on working with the partner that sexually assaulted the women can be seen as a good thing, perhaps filing a report and taking better action may have been an even better thing to do. So, I think his charcter didnt develop towards the end but got worse after he shot the man.

An example of a character that did develop was probably the iranian man that owned the shop. At the start of the movie he was seen to be quite an angry person filled with hate, that so badly wanted to own a gun however later on after he shoots at the man and the girl got in the way, he cries about it to his daughter suggesting he feels guilt. He may have realised his wrongs. Another charcter that developed was the policeman that sexually assualted  the black lady, at the end he ends up saving her life, risking his own. He went through hardships of his own with his dad so this may have affected him and caused him to have become a better person.

The name "Crash" could symbolise how many of the charcters crash into eachothers lives and help their character development. It could also symbolise the physical crashes that occur at the beginning and end which starts arguments. The crashes at the start and end show a cyclical narrative structive, this could be to suggest that the events that happened in the movie will always continue and racism and other issues will not be resolved but personalities and mind sets may change.