Saturday 24 September 2016

Police video of Charlotte shooting 'does not definitely show Keith Lamont Scott holding a gun'

This article talks about how the police were basically unsure if the man they shot was armed or not. Another person was also shot during protests because of the shooting. I picked this article because i feel like it needs to be talked about more, all I've seen online for the past couple days is "Brangelina split" "Angelina Jolie files for divorce" "Brangelina this, brangelina that". I even saw an article trying to say that the couple divorcing caused an earthquake somewhere. Why is it that much of a big deal that it needs to be all over twitter, Instagram and every newspaper?  Every old Susan and Pete are getting divorced, it happens. Its not the end of the world, i think they'll live you know.
I very rarely saw people talking about this article, these things have happened so much recently but people care for about one day, hashtag one "#prayfor...." and go back to talking about why Jennifer Aniston is laughing right now. The media has such a big impact on everyone especially in this day and age and so much people are using it for rubbish. 
Even though this event occurred in america i feel like police here are also becoming more aggressive, i watched a video of this policeman in the UK cutting and smashing open this guys windscreen of his car because he wouldn't get out and it ended up being the wrong person anyway. These are the kinds of things that need to be posted everywhere not details of celebrities lives that really nobody cares about.


  1. I do feel as if this is a correct view on how the media is now, not focusing on the more important thing.However, i felt as if you didnt really talk about the article the real matter at hand but instead gave more publicity on brad and his ex

  2. You should add some pictures onto this
