Monday 12 March 2018

he most notable attempt at this was in 1951, when inventor Ewing Dunbar Nunn founded the label Audiophile Records, which released a series of 78 rpm-mastered albums that were microgroove and pressed on vinyl

 August 1, 1981, history was made when MTV, the first 24-hour video music channel, launched onto our television sets

First commercial compact disc was produced on 17 August 1982

On July 1, 1979, Sony Corp. introduced the Sony Walkman TPS-L2, a 14 ounce, blue-and-silver,portable cassette player with chunky buttons, headphones and a leather case. It even had a second earphone jack so that two people could listen in at once.

1997, developer Tomislav Uzelac of Advanced Multimedia Products invented the AMP MP3 Playback Engine, the first successful MP3 player.

Founded14 February 2005,

spotify; 7 October 2008;

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