Sunday 19 November 2017

Kingsman and Moonlight comaprison

Kingsman(2014) shows the journey of a young man from a working class family transform into a sophisticated man of power. Similarly, the 2016 movie, Moonlight shows us Chirons journey through life. Both movies have similar characteristics, one being both male leads come from broken families. It could be said they faced the challenges they did because of the fact they had no real father figure in their lives. Although Chiron had Juan and Eggsy had Harry they both died leaving them to face their obstacles by themselves.
Masculinity plays a big part in both movies, Eggsy and Chiron both have quite big transformations before their seen as "masculine" and taken seriously. Eggsy changes up his style into a more formal attire of a suit and tie whilst Chiron is seen to have bulked up quite a lot from his younger years. This representation of masculinity sticks to the basic stereotypes of the qualities associated with the word. We can see form Eggsys behaviour at the start that he's quite comfortable with his masculinity before he changed whereas Chrion was very reserved due to the bullying he recieved because of his sexuality.
Use of camera angles and shots in Kingsman sticks to those of a general action, comedy, movie with the fast paced shots and zooming to capture the major action scenes. Moonlights camera angles are quite close up making it more personal and as if we are experiencing Chirons life with him. 

Kingsman: 7 wins and 26 nominations
Moonlight: 215 wins and 259 nominations

Estimated Budget:
Kingsman- $81,000,000
Moonlight $1,500,000
 Kingsman; 15 filming locations
Moonlight: 5 filming locations

Kingsman had probably aimed for a very wide audience of Comedy and action fans, and perhaps Colin Firth fans while Moonlights targeted audience may have been

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