Monday 29 January 2018

Stacey Dooley Kids selling Drugs Online;

Stacey Dooley is a 30 year old, TV presenter and journalist from Luton. Her first documentary aired on BBC Three in 2009.
The BBC is a public service broadcaster and is funded by an annual television licence fee.

The documentary shows us Stacey Dooley's journey into discovering more about kids selling drugs through online sources. She interviews a selection of people from the suppliers to the dealers finding out a bit about their lifestyle and why and how they do what they do.

From the title to the uses of Snapchat screenshots in the back of some factual screens we can tell it would have an appeal to the youth.
Stacey also presents her information in quite urban areas, dressed in quite casual clothing, making it quite relatable to young people. Adults would also be targeted for this show, maybe those who have teens themselves or would just like to become more knowledgable on the situation. The quick texts that come up on the screen giving us statistics and important information keep us as the audience interested as we would otherwise become disinterested hearing the presenter speak out a whole page of statistics and facts. While the Scottish drug dealers are speaking, we see subtitles for their speech, implying the targeted audience (people from London) would find difficulty in understanding them they speak. However even though the presenter herself, Stacey has a regional accent we don't see subtitles suggesting  The upbeat music at times reflects the fast pace flow of the show. This also relates back to the target audience being for young people.
Repetitive mentions of the reason behind the show also keep the flow of the show and can inform viewers who have tuned into the show halfway through.
The structure of the show allows us to see the journey alongside Stacey, we get to see and hear things for the first time just the way she is. Unscripted shows allows us as the audience to feel the show on a more emotional level. The low down almost unprofessional camera angles also gives it a more personal aspect when she is giving the audience her feedback and opinions on what she's seen.

Friday 26 January 2018


Gogglebox is a reality show in which we see viewers reviewing tv series from the week.
We see many a family reacting to the shows and giving their own opinions.
We as the audience also get to see snippets of the shows they watch. On initially hearing of the show where family's are being filmed watching shows with a voice over that describes what they're doing, we may think it to be slightly boring and pointless. However after actually watching, it can be quiet entertaining. It's interesting to see when some of the families or friends have the same views as you. This along with the close up shots make it feel very personal and as if we are watching along with them.
As the viewers are watching a variety of shows from Strictly come Dancing to the Secret life of the Zoo, to the News, there isn't really a specific genre to the show which would keep the audience intrigued every week. Instead of watching the entirety of shows we may not like we get to see snippets of the best bits along with quite comedic comments from the people on the show. The show can go from quite serious to humorous very quickly, again keeping the genre very different and reflecting real life.
The families all come from different backgrounds, for example one family lives in Cambridge and another in Derby. By including groups of people from a variety of areas, a wider audience is reached and allows them to relate to the people in the show.
Using a good range of ages as well as different ethnicity's and class also helps reach a wider audience.
By letting the audience have an insight into the viewers homes, it allows us to see they're home lifestyle which is something some viewers may find interesting. We also get to know a bit about the participants while they have conversations amongst themselves about things that are not to do with the shows they watch. As the viewers are on the shown repetitively throughout the series we begin to feel closer towards them and have different viewings and opinions of the families. Just as they are reacting to the shows, we are reacting to them.
There may be similarities to the audience and viewers which may keep them tuning into the show weekly as they feel they know them slightly.